Founded by Greg Lowe three decades ago, the company has amassed a series of world renowned tools and equipments that climbers from all over the world have grown to cherish and love. The most popular Lowe Alpine rock climbing gear is perhaps its proprietary backpack that revolutionized the industry when it was released in 1967. It made use of an internal frame technology that maximized its strength as well as its storage space. To this very date, Lowe Alpine backpacks still utilize the same technology with timeless efficiency.
What is probably the most exciting Lowe Alpine rock climbing gear to emerge recently, however, is the DryFlo Zone. This is a body suit that will protect your skin against environmental hazards and climatic factors, much like usual clothing. The only difference is that the DryFlo Zone wouldn't make you feel like you're wearing anything. This is because of what Lowe Alpine calls as next-to-skin technology. What is its impact on rock climbing? For starters, rock climbers would have more flexibility in navigating those slabs and holes while scaling cliffs and crags. Also, DryFlo Zone is lighter, whether it's being worn or packed.
Rock climbers who find themselves in very low temperatures which can be considered as unforgiving can also avail of a Lowe Alpine rock climbing gear called Triplepoint Ceramic with AIMMS (Advanced Internal Moisture Management System) technology. This gear, which looks like a jacket, actually repels water quite well by managing moisture formation. Rock climbers won't have to be burdened by the additional weight of accumulated water or snow.
Rock climbers who find themselves in opposite weather and climatic conditions, on the other hand, can always avail of a Lowe Alpine rock climbing gear called Desertweave Tech. The Desertweave Tech is an amazing quick drying, light fabric that offers ultraviolet protection for the wearer. It's not bulky too, and it can easily be packed for some serious, long treks towards climb sites.
Lowe Alpine is one of the most trusted names in the rock climbing industry, and for good reasons. Its founder, Greg Lowe, was a climber himself. His passion gave birth to the company, and his dreams live on with every innovation that Low Alpine introduces for the benefit and better enjoyment of rock climbers the world over.
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